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The Rise of Asset-Backed Crypto Changing Web3


March 2, 2024

ecentralized finance (DeFi) captured the world’s attention over the past few years with explosive growth, surpassing an incredible $100 billion locked into audited smart contracts. Yet concerns linger around market volatility, investor risks, and real-world sustainability. The emergence of crypto projects directly backed by real-world assets offers a bridge towards mass adoption by providing stability, accessibility and trust.

What Exactly Are Real-World Asset Crypto Projects?

RWA stands for “real-world assets” — meaning assets that exist physically outside the crypto universe with inherent value. RWA crypto projects have actual reserves backed by these real assets to stabilize their native tokens. Backing varies but includes fiat currencies, commodities (gold), real estate, carbon credits, and more assets being actively explored.

The key difference versus algorithmic stablecoins is RWA tokens can be redeemed 1:1 for allocation of the reserves. It’s similar to how paper money used to be redeemable for gold held at central banks last century. This backing by external, tangible assets allows RWA crypto projects to avoid the stability and sustainability pitfalls that algorithmic alternatives faced in 2022.

For example, say a project has tokenised $100 million worth of prime commercial real estate leases with average 10 year durations. The leases generate reliable cash flow for investors who hold the project’s tokens. Upon redemption, the smart contract transfers fractional ownership shares of specific properties to the token holder’s account.

In other words, RWA crypto combines the programmability of smart contracts with the reliability of assets from the ‘real world’. Asset originators also benefit from easier access to deeper crypto liquidity pools rather than relying solely on traditional capital markets.

The Core Benefits Driving Adoption of RWA Crypto

There are several clear benefits propelling adoption of properly implemented real-world asset crypto projects across both the decentralized finance landscape and traditional institutions:

Stability — External asset backing provides ongoing stability versus sharp speculative price fluctuations of algo stablecoins during market volatility.

Trust​ — Underlying real-world assets give certainty around a project’s viability rather than relying just on community confidence that can evaporate unexpectedly.

Mainstream Accessibility — Crypto projects backed by assets familiar to everyday investors offers easier onboarding versus complex DeFi protocols.

Compliance — Integrating real-world assets requires properly handling traditional financial regulations around custody, fund administration and investor protections. This provides accountability and security.

True Diversification — Holding RWA crypto tokens allows investing into asset categories like real estate, commodities, foreign currencies that hedge against crypto market cycles.

Financial Innovation — RWA projects continue pushing forward tokenization of new real-world asset categories like sports franchises, litigation financing, private equity, and other alternative assets on chain.

With the ongoing innovations in tokenizing real-world assets along with the benefits highlighted above, it’s no surprise RWA crypto adoption is accelerating rapidly.

Notable RWA Projects Bridging Crypto With the Real World

Several prominent RWA crypto projects backing their tokens with real-world asset collateral have launched across various sectors:


USD Coin (USDC) — The second largest stablecoin with nearly $70 billion market capitalization. USDC maintains 1:1 reserves of cash and cash equivalents matching the amount of tokens in circulation.

Paxos Gold (PAXG) — A regulated Ethereum token where each PAXG token represents one fine troy ounce of London Good Delivery gold stored in professional vault facilities.

Real Estate

NEXT (NEXT) — Leverages blockchain to offer fractionalized ownership in rental real estate properties across the United States. NEXT token holders can redeem for equity shares in the underlying property assets.

Lofty AI (LOFTY) — Tokenizes fractional ownership of U.S. residential real estate. It allows yields from property cash flows shared among LOFTY token holders.

Carbon Markets

KlimaDAO (KLIMA) — Each KLIMA token is backed by one carbon credit (e.g. voluntary carbon offset). The project makes the carbon market transparent and accessible to crypto participants while funding climate & sustainability initiatives.


DigixDAO (DGD) — Gold-backed Ethereum token where 1 DGD represents 1 gram of gold bars stored in custody vaults. Digix partners with industry leader Coincover for insurance protection on the gold reserves.


FEG (FEG) — FEG token is backed by a basket of foreign currencies to hedge versus only relying on USD. Currencies for backing selected based on analysis of macroeconomic stability.

Art & Collectibles

Masterworks (MWKS) — Brings fractional ownership of blue chip art investments like Warhol, Basquiat, Banksy to crypto investors. ~$775M of contemporary art indexed so far. Can redeem MWKS tokens for share of individual works.

As seen from just this small sample of early movers, the scope of real-world assets coming on-chain is exponentially expanding thanks to crypto and DeFi.

The Growth Outlook for Asset-Backed Crypto

While the concept of collateral backing currency is ages old, innovative crypto projects are accelerating adoption of asset-backed tokens across decentralized finance with new tokenization models and deep liquidity access.

As concerns around stability and sustainability of algorithmic stablecoins persist after the Terra implosion, crypto projects directly integrating external real-world assets should continue seeing mainstream traction. The inherent reliability of assets that people can touch and feel offers comfort for risk-averse investors versus intricate DeFi protocols.

We are still just scratching the surface of asset categories that can be tokenized into crypto. Near term expect more experimentation tokenizing real estate, commodities, litigation financing, sports franchises & stadium revenues, private equity, royalties from intellectual property, and other alternative assets with fragmented ownership.

Wall Street institutions like Apollo, Blackstone and KKR managing hundreds of billions in real-world assets are now launching blockchain and crypto funds themselves to access this deeper liquidity pool.

Meanwhile, the operational requirements around legally custodianing, redeeming and administering RWA collateral creates opportunities for trust companies, security brokers and custodian banks from traditional finance to provide infrastructure for this rapidly evolving asset class.

Criticism does exist from crypto purists arguing that real-world asset backing erodes the core premise of decentralization since it re-introduces human intermediaries. However, pragmatic RWA crypto projects focused on opening decentralized access to large real-world capital pools still align with principles around democratization and broadening financial inclusion.

As cryptocurrencies bridge deeper into the $300+ trillion traditional finance world, the reliability offered by real-world asset backing fills a clear gap. Expect the foundational trust instilled by RWA crypto projects to continue accelerating adoption at the institutional and retail level for balanced, sustainable growth.